No More Carrying Around Large Stacks of Ringgit.
Scan, Pay & Go Using CurrenSeekPay!
Use CurrenSeekPay to pay for your foreign currency, securely and conveniently, instead of hunting high and low for ATMs, risking your safety or tolerating long queues!

Why CurrenSeekPay

The inconveniences and risks that come with handling large amounts ofphysical currency are now a thing of the past!

With CurrenSeekPay, you can buy foreign currency at one go. No more settling with the maximum daily withdrawal limit incurred by ATMs and visiting the machine multiple times to withdraw sufficient funds

With rising cases of snatch thefts, robbery and fraud, more and more people are wary about visiting ATMs and withdrawing large amounts of cash, not to mention travelling long distances with bulging pockets!

The time spent counting and recounting one’s currency at the money changers in order to ensure the correct amount is exchanged, is time wasted and best spent planning your travel itinerary instead.

Buying currency isn’t like purchasing groceries. You’re trading lots of cash for cash in a public place… which explains why nobody likes taking out money in front of strangers at the Money Changers!


No registration is required to use CurrenSeekPay’s service. No new app installation required!
All you need is a smartphone with a QR code reader and an Internet Banking Account with any local bank.
The maximum online payment allowed is currently the equivalent of MYR 30,000 per transaction for individual.
Use any QR code scanner to scan the QR code on your mobile phone.
Check the Name and Address of the Merchant (Money Changing facility) at the top of the payment screen, enter the amount in Ringgit that you want to pay after confirming it with the Merchant.
Enter your email address to get a payment status notification sent to you
Select the Internet Banking Service you want to pay from. Sign-in and follow the instructions.
Check the final amount and the Merchant details again, then proceed with payment.
You will receive a Payment Status Notification in your email inbox, which you can then show to the Merchant in order to purchase your foreign currency.

Where You Can Find it

CurrenSeekPay is now accepted by the following money changers.
We’re working tirelessly to onboard your favourite money changers soon!

CurrenSeekPay Supported Banks

CurrenSeekPay’s service covers most major local bankswith Internet Banking services, including the following:

You Are In Safe Hands

CurrenSeekPay is a service provided as a collaboration between

Are You A money Changer?

Looking to offer a secure way of receiving payment from any Malaysian Internet banking account directly to your corporate bank account in real-time with almost zero cost? Fill in this form and someone from our team will get in touch with you.


From CurrenSeek’s Blog

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